Di-Spark Ltd – Sub-Con suppliers of high volume aerospace machining, are expanding and optimising capacity. With recent investments into quality and inspection, our wire EDM machining cell and additional capacity being placed into 5 axis milling and automated turning as we speak, Di-Spark are expanding operations. We’ve even increased the size of our car park to assist visiting customers. We believe that if you’re not moving forwards, you’re moving backwards in real terms, and keeping ahead of the game is key to continued success. If there is innovative technology that will assist the business, give us an edge and provide additional levels of customer satisfaction, then we’ll buy!
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Integrated High Volume Aerospace Machining
Di-Spark operate integrated, multi-process, high volume aerospace machining around-the-clock. Signatories to the SC21 Supply Chain Initiative, Di-Spark have amassed skill and experience managing supply chains, assisting our strive to ensure that high volume aerospace machining processes at Di-Spark are world-class.
We operate a lean manufacturing philosophy, achieved by managing supply chains, using extensive planning and material resource management tools, utilising our lights-out manufacturing capability to the optimum configuration and working closely with customers. Last but not least, the fully integrated, multi-process nature of our manufacturing facility means that high volume aerospace machining at Di-Spark will always take the most efficient route through machining processes.
Typically we manufacture high volume, geometrically complex parts, components and mechanical sub-assemblies. However, some of the parts we manufacture are simple in geometry but require high levels of accuracy – often machined from difficult-to-machine materials, from Titanium alloys to Tungsten Carbide. 2 dimensional Parts such as high volume aerospace washers, internally and externally splined washers, shims and spacers can be manufactured to world-class standards in bulk, using our EDM machining capability.
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High Volume Aerospace Machining – AS9100D Machined Aerospace Impeller. Di-Spark utilise multi-process machining processes – fully integrated and automated 24/7, to manufacture world-class components for world-class industries.

2 dimensional parts can be stacked and machined in high volume – even using the hardest and most challenging of materials, by using EDM machining.