Quality Management System: Certification Renewal
Di-Spark Ltd have renewed our quality management system, certificate of registration.
Di-Spark Ltd Hold Certificate Number Q 09065 and operates a Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of AS9100C (technically
equivalent to EN 9100:2009 and JISQ 9100:2009) and ISO 9001:2008 and assessed in accordance with EN 9104-001:2013 for the following scope:
Precision engineers specialising in machining complex prismatic components and sub-assemblies to customer specifications using advanced machining technologies such as multi-axis milling, multi-axis turning and electrical discharge machining (EDM)
This certification covers our wire erosion (EDM), spark erosion (EDM), 5 axis machining, multi-task mill-turn and large 5 axis machining cells for quality management systems and inspection facilities.
Di-Spark operate a 24/7 machining facility serving aerospace, defence, Formula 1, satellite, medical and oil & gas sectors, among many. In recent years Di-Spark have continually implemented a ‘capacity optimisation’ approach, ensuring that all machining cells are running to optimum levels and observing a lean-manufacturing philosophy.

Quality Management System: CMM Inspection