Spark Erosion (EDM) Electrical Discharge Machining

Spark Erosion Electrical Discharge Machining

Spark Erosion EDM Machining operating 24/7

As9100D. Spark EDM Machining

Spark EDM Machining certified to ISO 9001, AS9100 Revision D and SC21 Defence, Aerospace and Space/Satellite

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Spark Erosion Electrical Discharge Machining

Conventional thinking dictates that high performance comes at a cost. But at Di-Spark, we aim to challenge convention by delivering productivity without compromise.

As part of our ongoing search for better productivity, we have invested heavily in state-of-the-art automation systems. So now, you can enjoy both the unbeatable performance of EDM Spark Erosion and the productivity gains that come from continuous, unmanned production.

Our EDM spark erosion division handles numerous applications with machining times ranging from a few minutes to several hours. And our ‘lights-out’ capability dictates that spark erosion machines can complete batches of work overnight, at the weekend or during holidays in a totally clean, remotely monitored and safe environment.

The result for our supply chain partners is unrivalled quality, lower prices and shorter lead times.

‘EDM is essential because of the way our parts are now designed’

Space/Satellite Chief Designer